- The basic Captchanims (sold as the “Gatekeeper” package) uses six uppercase letters and digits and moves from left to right.

- To make the lives of our customers as simple as possible we do not sell any code that might need to be implemented. Our Captchanims are sold as library of "Animated GIF" files that can easily be integrated to other Captcha management system or a simple self made system.

- Need a really simple system? Change the Captchanim manually every day or two. It usually does the work fine.

A standard library of 100 Captchanims cost only $19. Click here to BUY NOW.


The basic "Captchanim" library incudes 100 animated GIF files and additional 100 text files that hold the textual sequences.
For example, the GIF file "1234.gif" has a Text file called "1234.txt" associated to it. The text file content is the sequence of letters and numbers included in the Captcha file (for example ABCD51).

- The size of our standard CAPTCHA is 160 by 40 pixels and it is made from 6 upper case letters and numbers:



Upon request we can generate Captchanims with special features. The special features include: image size, animation duration, number of images in the animation, number of cycles the animation will play, use of lower case or special characters ($%#@ , etc.), use of special fonts, horizontal translation control, level of reading difficulty control, spacing between characters and number of characters, width of drawing and background/foreground color.

A custom made library of 500 Captchanims cost only $98. Interested? Send us a mail to .

We make our Captchas using an automatic, proprietary Captchas generator. If you are interested in buying a copy of our software please send us an email to .

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