The models below were derived from NURBs surfaces using the IRIT solid modeling environment. The data is all in the IRIT format, details of which could be found in the user manual.
Few words on these specific data sets. All the data consists of triangles only. Each triangle looks as follows:
[POLYGON [PLANE -0.2142377 0.93292164 0.2894121 -0.8252709] 3 [[HSqrCurv 0.821374] [KCurv -3.39314] [uvvals "0.25 0.25"] 2.21630859375 1.2895751953125 0.33521484375] [[HSqrCurv 0.151514] [KCurv -2.3828] [uvvals "0.25 0"] 2.1796875 1.38515625 0] [[HSqrCurv 0.124987] [KCurv -0.701459] [uvvals "0 0"] 1.7 1.275 0] ]
The title/picture of each surface below also allows you to download the original NURBs surface, again in IRIT format (see user manual)